• Comenius Programme

        • Comenius Programme

          Comenius is a school education programme within the EU's Lifelong learning programme. It supports mobility of teachers, and may be in principle used for support of teachers attending the CERN teacher schools.


          There are, however, a number of restrictions:

          • To be eligible for reimbursement of their travel and subsistence costs, the teachers must attend international courses, not limited to one country (and language);
          • There must be international participation (i.e. participants from a minimum of three countries)
          • The courses should have a minimum duration of 5 full working days;
          • The courses should take place in a country participating in the programme other than that of the teachers applying for the grant. Switzerland is currently negotiating its accession to the EC Lifelong Learning Programmes, and the formal agreements are expected to be signed in 2010.
          • There should be transnational mobility.

          In practice

          1. Pending the approval of Switzerland's participation in the EU LLP Programmes, teachers will be able to apply and possibly receive funding for participation in the CERN summer High School Teacher Programme.
          2. The application for the grants is individual, made by the teachers through the national education agencies of the participating countries.
          3. The national CERN teacher programmes are not eligible for funding under Comenius because of the requirement to have international courses with participants from at least three countries.

          More Information

          For more information, see: